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All events payable through PayPal link upon registration. If you would like to pay by check, please contact me.

I wanted you to know how inspirational and helpful your writing workshop was for me. It truly gave me the confidence and validation that I needed to continue to pursue my love of writing. Best wishes to you and your writing life. I look forward to attending your workshop again next year. 

~ R.M. Narragansett, Rhode Island

Patricia Ann Chaffee

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This site is simply a place to learn about what I'm up to, get a glimpse of something special through a blog post or photo, find some resources for writing and creativity, or maybe even some inspiration from the latest newsletter.  It's a pause to celebrate the writing life, contemplative spirituality, expressive arts, and simple living. Those are my  passions.  If you find my work inspiring for your journey or nurturing for your spirit, please consider supporting it using the Paypal button below. 

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